
Thursday, February 4, 2010

God's Word

I am so often amazed at how God uses His Word and the preaching of it to not only convict, but also strengthen and encourage. This morning Dr. Spencer preached a powerful message that was just for me. It was called "The Great Escape" and dealt with I Corinthians 10:13, and how to deal with trials and times of testing in our lives. It was exactly what I needed on this dreary Thursday!
Then, a friend had told me a few days ago to read Psalm 37. This was a passage that I had studied some over Christmas break, but definitely needed to be reminded of again. I think its neat how God gives us 4 commands, and then 4 promises if we keep those commands. They are found in verses 3-9:

  • Trust in the LORD - thou shalt dwell in the land and be fed.
  • Delight in the LORD - He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
  • Commit thy way unto the LORD - He shall bring it to pass.
  • Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him - shall inherit the earth.

Amazing promises from God!

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