
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Random School Life

So, I really haven't said too much on here about my everyday life. So today I am going to just give some random ramblings from my crazy, fun life.

I am really enjoying my classes this semester. It is a good semester to go out on! I only have 12 credits of classes, which makes it much easier and much more enjoyable. I am able to spend more time on each class, and I am really learning and digesting a lot. On Fridays I only have 1 class - Chorale! It is really nice to have a long weekend.

My most favorite class is Psalms, with Pastor Nathan Deatrick. It's my favorite for a couple reasons: one, it is a small class, only 8 of us in it. Two, Christy, Jaimie and I are all in it together. Three, we get to meet in a small, warm room in Roger Williams Hall, and Pastor Nathan lets us bring coffee to class. But the biggest reason for it being my favorite class is because of the content. I think I can say the book of Psalms has become my favorite book of the Bible. It is so full of truth, so full of practical things that help me to see that I am not the only person that struggles and goes through these things! I look forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 so much, and I enjoy every minute of homework for that class. The Lord has used it greatly in my life.

I am also in Personal Evangelism class. This is a freshman level class, but I have never taken it, so I'm squeezing it in now! There are only 3 of us in the class, so that is interesting. The first day of class I was the only one! But thankfully 2 other girls added it. We were meeting in Dr. Spencer's office, but now we meet in the classroom. I liked meeting in his office better, it was warmer and he has chocolate on his desk! But oh well.

Some of my other classes are Ecclesiology, the Gospel of John, and Arranging for Instruments. All of my classes are fun, Christy is in every one of them with me, and several of my other friends are in them as well. We have a fun time.

Which leads me to something else...let me tell you about some of the crazy times we have!! Every day at 11:15 the "inner circle" has lunch together, with a few other people as well. Its always a blast! We usually sit there for an hour or better, just talking, drinking coffee, and laughing our heads off! My friends are great, despite some of the random things they do to me...putting embarrassing videos of me in Student Body (Andrew!), holding dead squirrels up in front of the library window (Christy!), giving my ID card a permanent mustache (Ben!)...need I say more? But for some reason, I hang around them anyway...guess I'm a glutton for punishment!! :D I am thankful for each and every one of them and for the fun memories we are making each moment of each day.

Hope you have enjoyed this little glimpse into my life. I am sure you will be hearing more about it as more exciting things happen. It is exciting to watch God unfold his plan for me each and every day!

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