
Wednesday, April 21, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, we put a new roof on the back side of our house. Here are the pictures!

We started on a Friday night with my dad, brother and I stripping the old shingles and paper.

Now I understand why Dad says it hurts his ankles! Boy, was I sore!

This was as high up as Stephanie would go! Chicken.

But the little girls loved it! Just so long as mom wasn't watching.......

What a mess. I managed to get out of the cleanup process! (Cause I couldn't hardly move!)

EARLY Saturday morning some college guys came to help put the new shingles on. Mom had set some food out on the porch for lunch, and thought for sure she put out two cans of chips. Guess where they had gone??

Isn't it Pretty?? A lot of hard work went into it, but God was good, and we actually got it done in record time. He even made Saturday a cloudy day so no one got burnt to a crisp! Praise the Lord for His goodness.

My brother took this one. Figures.

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