
Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Don't you love it when you have days when you feel like you get so much accomplished? I had one of those days yesterday. My parents were gone for the day, so I got to baby-sit on top of it. We really did have a fun day, so I thought I'd let you in on a few of those things I did...

We had a theory lesson with the kids, which I will post more about later:

I practiced piano:

I read some out of this book I am in the middle of:

Did dishes (3 times!). I love a clean sink and counter!!

Did laundry (but alas! I forgot to bring it in off the line!! Guess I can't do everything perfectly...)

Helped the kids pick raspberries:

And worked on my quilt!!
There's my day in a nutshell!


  1. Sounds like fun! What are you going to do with the Raspberries. We happened on a blueberry farm last summer and made jam. Super yummy!

  2. My siblings found some blueberries as well, and my mom made a fantastic pie with both. Today we are picking again and hoping to make another fresh raspberry pie... my mom has the best recipe for fresh berry pie!


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