
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Big Move!

Well, I guess the last major event in my life that I didn't blog about (because my computer was at the doctor's) is our big move to another country!! (Hows that for a run-on sentence???) 

Really, there isn't that much to say. Altho I have moved a couple of times in my short life, this one was completely different because we literally moved to another country.

Ok, so I know Canada is not another continent, but it still is another country with many differences from the States. (for one thing, they don't sing "America the Beautiful" here. Yeah, learned that the hard way.) (Don't ask)

We did do a fun thing on this very long trip, and that was to take a picture every hour we were on the road. It was Holly's idea. We had done it once when her and I drove to Ohio one week. However, I am not going to post all 34 pictures...bore you to death.

I'll just share a couple pictures with you.

This is wonderful Mrs. Elliot...she came and helped with so much cleaning! Here she is cleaning carpets...moments before the carpet cleaner decided to die on us. (We wondered what the awful racket was...) Oh well, less work we have to do, right?

Our humungous truck...that still wasn't quite big enough!

Dan to the rescue!!! So thankful for all the help we had that day!

A red-neck recliner...or a redneck in a recliner??? You choose! :)

There's Ryan, working hard....

Almost full!

This is what I got to stare at for 34 hours!!! 

And heres the wonderful people from our church who were here to help us unpack the truck! We got it done in record time! Praise the Lord for his protection every step of the way.

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