
Friday, November 5, 2010

North Carolina Scenery

While I was in North Carolina, I enjoyed riding my bike quite often. Other summers, when I worked at the school, I would bike to and from work every day. This summer, since I did not get that opportunity, I would sometimes go on this bike ride. It was a very quiet and peaceful ride, with some great scenery! Here are some of my favorite pictures of that route.

Isn't this just so inviting??

Well, at least I know not to blame this cow if I get in an accident. Thank you for telling me.

Um, yeah, this is me walking up a hill. Moving on...

My shadow!

This is my favorite one! I can just imagine the story behind this old rusty ring of barbed wire.

Anyone wanna guess what this old chimney makes me think of?? :) I can just imagine the story behind this as well.

The only way this one would be better is if it was in my back yard.

What is the Q place, you ask? I really have no just looked like a nice spot in the trees to me. But I'd like to think it stands for "quiet place," because it was.

That open door was always calling my name!! I would have loved to go poke around this old abandoned house...if only I didn't live in a place with poisonous spiders and snakes! So yeah, I never actually did go in. I still think it would have been neat though.

This lane also had "go" written all over it...except for to the left there, where it says, "Private Property." :(


  1. The "Q" place is Jesse Qurollo's. He is planning to build a house for he and his wife. Lafe and I used to go to church with he and his family right after we got married.

  2. The picture of the gate (three pics up from the bottom) reminds me of the gate in anne of green gables that anne chases gill over into the farmers pasture. :) love that movie

  3. my bad its five pictures up... I guess thats the private school part of me showing :S

  4. Where around here are the other places?

  5. Andrew, when I biked I would go left out our driveway, turn left again onto West Zion Church Rd., turn left onto Hugh Harrill, Right onto Johnnie Bridges, and left back towards home! All these pictures were taken from that route.
    Becky, I love the gate! I always thought it just needed a little girl in a cowboy hat hanging over the rail. :)
    Hannah, I am glad to finally know what the "Q" place is!! ;)


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