
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Top Ten - Thanksgiving

It has been years since I have posted a Top Ten Tuesday. Okay, so maybe only a couple months, but you know what I mean. Every week since I got my computer fixed, I’ve been meaning to do it. But every Tuesday seems to get busy, and then, presto! Its Wednesday.

Well, I decided that this can go on no longer. This week I am posting a Top Ten...Thursday. Just to get us all back in the mood for Top Tens. And to keep us from getting stuck in a rut. 

Oh, and just happens to be Thanksgiving in the States. It is very different having two thanksgivings...and also different to spend both of them alone! I plan on posting more about that later, but for now, here is my Top Ten Thursday. 

Things I am thankful for from this past year: (In no particular order:)

10. Graduating from college

9. Finally, finally, finally having my own room

8. Teaching piano

7. My amazing friends (that I miss so very much!) and the way they have been there every step of the way.

6. New bathrooms...almost (yeah, only a Gower would be thankful for that!!)

5. My amazing cousins that I can’t wait to see in a month.

4. Getting my license - on the first try

3. My Mac :)

2. The Lords provision of a FREE piano for one of my students

1. A great ministry to be able to serve the Lord in!

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! We sure missed our traditional get-together with you all!
    Great list, too!
    I just got a Mac so I can definitely agree on #3! Congratulations on #4!

  2. You got a Mac?? Go you!! We missed our traditional get-together as well. :)

  3. Nicole your not the only one who has ever been thankful for a bathroom! When I got back from Africa I had never been more thankful for a bathroom that had a real toilet in it(not just a hole in the floor) and toilet paper! Evertime I go into a public restroom I try to remember to thank the Lord for complementary toilet paper :) Enjoyed your blog!


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