
Friday, December 10, 2010

This Blog It Is A-Changing

When I started this blog, I named it “Pohnpei Posts” because I love Pohnpei and the people there and because I intended to blog about it. And in case you haven’t noticed, I have not done much blogging about Pohnpei. :)

So after much arduous consideration, I have decided to change the name of this blog. I decided that a blog about my life at the present should have a name that better reflects my life at the present. Trust me, this wasn’t an easy decision to make, because I still love the people of Pohnpei and the ministries that are going on there. But I think you’ll agree with me that a blog should not be called “Pohnpei Posts” when it has nothing to do about Pohnpei.

I do hope that before we move from the topic of Pohnpei entirely, that you will take a minute to pray for these missionaries to that island:

Rickson and Susan Kihleng - Rickson is a native of Micronesia that went to school at Ambassador. They have 5 children and started Ambassador Baptist Church on the island. Recently they had quite a scare with their youngest daughter, less than 1 year old, when she got a piece of plastic lodged in her throat. Praise the Lord, she coughed it up before they left for Guam for surgery.

John and Christa Boylston - John and Christa and their 5 children are on deputation to go work with the Kihlengs to translate the Bible into Pohnpeiian. Although most people on the island do understand English, there are some that don’t, and there is a desperate need for the Bible in their own language. Please pray that they will be able to raise their support quickly. Also pray for Christa’s health. Just a few short weeks after they made the decision to go to Pohnpei, she was diagnosed with MS. The Lord has been gracious, and pray that he continues to give her the strength she needs for deputation.

Dave and Ruth Ann Arthurs - Dave and Ruth Ann run a radio station on the island that reaches several surrounding smaller islands that have no gospel witness. Many have been saved through that ministry. They are currently in the states because of some serious health needs. Pray also for the couple that is on the island running the station while they are away.

Gabe and Susan Eiben - Just recently Gabe and Susan announced their desire to go work with the Arthurs. They have one small son. If I remember correctly, Dave Arthurs was instrumental in Susan Eiben’s salvation, but I may have that wrong. Pray that they will be able to get to the island quickly. As far as I know they have no health needs at the moment :) but certainly Satan will try to stop this great work going on there any way he can.

I know there are a few other missionaries and national pastors on the island, but those are the ones I am most familiar with. Please do keep these in prayer, and pray for the work being done on the island. You can also listen to some great sermons about how the work in Pohnpei started and what the Lord is doing now by clicking here.

Stay tuned for the big el-chango soon. Honestly I have no idea if this is going to affect your blog “following” or not. If you have issues with some of that techy stuff...ask someone who knows. :) Just kidding, ask me, and I’ll do what I can. ;)

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