
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Missions Monday...a Day Late. My Bad.

I so meant to post this yesterday and I so didn’t. My apologies. For missions Monday today, I would like to direct you all over to Mandy’s blog. Mandy is a friend of mine from college, and she has just begun to embark on a journey that will eventually take her to the mission field as a medical missionary. Go her! That journey is beginning this year with pre-med school. Again, go her! She is a much braver woman than I am!

She has the opportunity to get a scholarship to help with her schooling. I can’t even imagine what pre-med school costs. Nor do I want to! We can help her out by voting for her picture. If she gets the most votes, she gets a scholarship. I am pretty sure Mandy has not been making millions in the last few year. Just a guess, I could be wrong. :) This scholarship would be a great help to her. And all we have to do is vote for her picture!

We can make a small part in investing in Mandy’s schooling...without paying a dime. (How is that for a great investment??) And besides that, we are really making an investment in the lives of people who are headed to a Christ-less eternity if they do not hear the gospel... how do you measure that? Certainly the 30 seconds it takes you to go vote are worth it to those souls! Missions is always worth it.

So go vote....and no, Mandy didn’t ask me to tell you this.

Its just that the souls of people are important to me. How important are they to you??

1 comment:

  1. Aw, thank you SO much Nicole! I really appreciate your support and encouraging words...and, you are correct- no millions here lol! But we serve a big God :)


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