
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday - Blogs

My friend Becky has been blogging about blogs lately. Very fun to read, she has shared some great ones! I enjoy discovering new and wonderful blogs. This week, she blogged about my piano blog, Nickel Notes! That was so kind of her! So I thought for Top Ten Tuesday today, I would return the favor and share ten of my favorite blogs.

I hope to post soon on my “criteria” for blog following, but for now I’ll just inform you that many blogs that I read are friends of mine, or missionaries, etc. However, I could only pick 10, because this is a Top Ten Tuesday post, so if I left your blog out, please accept my condolences. I mean apologies. (Condolences...good grief! What did I have to drink at that superbowl party?)

10. I’ll start, of course with Beckys blog, Life In The Big City. She is a comparitively new blogger, simply blogging about life. Personally when people blog about “just life” it is some of the most interesting reads! I especially love keeping up with how Becky’s wedding plans are coming along.

9. Another friend that has some great reads is Andrea at Random Issues. Andrea was my RA my first year of college. She is now married and living in NYC. She has a one-year-old daughter that will keep you in stitches with her antics. You must read this post about when she dumped out Andrea’s olive oil. While wasting precious oil was not funny at the time, the pictures and the way Andrea retells this story are priceless.

8. The Lockharts from Lockhart Life in Brazil are from my church in North Carolina. They are missionaries to Brazil (no duh) and have 3 small children. I think it is so neat to see how their kids are adapting to life in another country! They too, will keep you laughing. Their blog is overflowing with blessings and praise to the Lord that is sure to be an encouragment.

7. My friend Leah posts at Drops from my Cup. I have only known Leah for just over a year (wow!) but she and her blog have been a blessing to me. She often posts meditations on passages of scripture she has been pondering, which is thought provoking for me. She just began posting Musical Mondays, which I am very excited about and have already learned from.

6. Tammy at Busy Blessings has been a friend of my parents for years...ever since she married our pastor's son. She now has 8 boys and reading about their lives is so much fun! She often blogs about sewing, crafts, and cooking, which are fun to read and try the things she blogs about. She has a gift for making anything an interesting blog post...even sweeping her floors.

5. I enjoy reading a couple blogs that will grow my spiritual life, and more specifically, encourage me to be a lady for the Lord. Girl Talk Blog is one of those.

4. Girls Gone Wise is another one. I enjoy the practical help for things I am going through in every stage of life.

3. Catalog Living is a just-for-a-good-laugh blog. The people behind this one take pictures from magazines and turn them into a funny story. I love reading these when I need something on the lighter side.

2. I also enjoy reading a couple of blogs that give me wisdom for my future, things I can tuck away for when I am a wife and mother. Passionate Homemaking is one of those that talks about how to do everything with God as your focus, while becoming a Godly homemaker. I appreciate the Godly advice from this site!

1. Heavenly Homemakers is probably about my favorite ever. Laura blogs about so many different aspects of making your home heavenly. I appreciate her stand on things that are Biblical. This is a great blog for anyone, regardless of whether you have a home to manage or not. I print and file many things from here!

While I love and would heartily recommend each of these blogs (obviously, because I just did) that is not to say that I endorse or agree with absolutely everything on them. There may be something you don't agree with as well. But I think that overall these are blogs that point us to Christ and how to live our lives as sacrifices to Him. If you find something you don't like and want to talk to me about it, feel free to leave a comment or contact me.

I hope you will take time to browse through some of these blogs and enjoy some good reads and some challenges to become more like Christ. Happy blogging!


  1. That was very sweet of you to include my blog :) I'm definatly going to be checking out a couple of the blogs you listed, they sound interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Awwww, I got an honorable mention too! ;) Thanks, Nicole. I even got some extra visitors out of it. :)


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