
Friday, April 22, 2011

My Christ - His Triumph

John 19:30

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.”

‘Tis finished - was His latest voice;

These sacred accents o’er

He bowed His head, gave up the ghost,

And suffered pain no more.

‘Tis finished - the Messiah dies

For sins, but not His own;

The great redemption is complete,

And Satan’s power is overthrown.

Author Unknown

F. W. Krummacher said, “At these words, you hear fetters burst and prison walls falling down; barriers as high as heaven are overthrown, and gates which had been closed for thousands of years again move on their hinges.”

Some have read Christ’s “It is finished” as a cry of despair, “It is all up! I have tried and failed!” One preacher said, “Just before Jesus expires, He reviews His brief ministry and says in effect, ‘Well, I did what I could. Whatever it is, it is. It’s too late to do anything about it now. It is finished.’”

-taken from The Incomparable Christ, by J. Oswald Sanders

Do you want to know what I wrote in the margin of my book when I read that?? I wrote, “Gasp!” To think that a fellow Christian, if in fact he was, could say such a thing about the very words that give life and hope to every believer! Because “it is finished,” we can have eternal life in heaven someday, and unlimited access to the throne room of God today. This word is a word of triumph, not only for Christ, but for all believers!

“Lifted up was He to die,

It is finished was His cry.

Now in heaven exalted high,

Hallelujah! What a Saviour!”

P. P. Bliss

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