
Friday, April 1, 2011

My Planning Binder

***UPDATE: Hey everyone, I took my planning binder to the next level for 2012 (you can view it here), and opened an Etsy shop to share all my great printables with you! I created SOOO many more printables, such as a 2012 calendar, printable recipe cards, cleaning checklists, important family info and babysitter info, plus lots lots more! Hop over to Etsy to see what all I have to offer. Glad to have you along for the ride!***

I told you about how I started my planning binder and how I would reveal the whole thing to you at the end of the month. Well, here she be! I can’t believe March is over already!
As I told you before, I used some scrapbook paper to decorate my binder. I LOVE all the bright colors!

I decided that since the challenge from I Heart Organizing was to make a family binder, I would change the name of my binder to “Family Planning.”
April Fools!

I used the helpful list that Jen compiled to decide exactly what things I wanted to include in my binder. Then as I went along, I thought of a few more! I tried to pick things that suit this season of my life, but in the future, there is plenty of room for expansion!
So hear are some of the things included in my binder:
Calendar I printed the be-youtiful calendar that Jen made available to us. I am using it as a master planner of sorts. I have a small pocket planner that I carry in my purse to write down things when I am away from the house. Then I just transfer that info to my binder when I get home. This method seems to be working well!

Important Dates This list was from Jen as well, and I am super excited about utilizing it! These important dates don’t change from year to year, so instead of copying this list into a day planner every year, I have it in one handy place. Sooo convenient!

Goals and Resolutions I had these already written out, but not in a way that was convenient to review them. That needed to change! So I re-formatted them and included them in this tab. I also included my personal missions statement. Part of my resolutions this year is to increase my verse memorization, and to give out more tracts. So I made a spreadsheet to record this as well. (I appropriately dubbed the one for my tracts, “Tract Record.”)

To Do List I really wanted a good to do list somewhere in here, so I decided to make one myself. I did however, want it to match with the printables I was getting from Jen! Yes, I am OCD like that. I mean, Jen’s were so nice and colorful, and I love colorful, and why couldn’t I come up with something similar? So I tried my hand at it, and tried to match the style of her sheets somewhat, and here’s what I came up with.

Not too bad, I guess. The first one took me f.o.r.e.v.e.r. but after that they got easier. Actually it was kind of fun!

Right behind the to do list I made a list just for sewing projects I either need to do or would like to try!

Blog Ideas Another one from Jen. I printed off one for each of my blogs. This has already been a big help!

Wish List I may add other wish lists or idea lists under this tab, but for now I have a book wish list. Sometimes I hear of a book I’d like to keep my eye out for, but then I forget what they all are. :S I absolutely heart books and reading!

Gift Giving I had already started a list of gift ideas, so I just transferred that over to this great list from Jen. If you would like your name included on this list, just send me your name and what you want and your birthday, and I’ll include you.

April Fools!!!!!

Well, there is my binder as it is right now. There are a few more things that I may add once I figure out how it will work best. I am loving this binder, and so glad that Jen gave this challenge!


  1. Great job! Your custom printables that you made look lovely. I love the binder I am putting together. It makes all that paperwork and stuff feel so much more contained and under control! Great job!

    Deviantly Domesticated Team

    PS - I wrote a challenge that was inspired by the "Special Dates" chart. I definitely {heart} that part of the binder the most! If you would like to check it out, you can find it here:

    Have a blessed day!

  2. You did a great job with your own additions! I love the colors!


  3. It looks great - I'm wanting to do some more pages to "match" Jen's downloads, but I haven't had the time to work on them yet. Yours look great!

  4. Thanks everyone! I'd be happy to share the printables I made if they would be a help to you.

  5. I lOVE your extra binder pages that match Jen's. Would you be able to put them up ( like Jen did ) to share them ? That would be wonderful !

  6. I'm interested in you posting your printables too! I haven't done my binder yet (too much going on in March, maybe April :S) But I'd like to do one I think and your pages look so cute!

  7. Ok, I will *try* to figure out how to post them so that you all can access them...if I don't figure it out in this millenium, I'll email them to you. ;) Actually, I've been wanting to figure out how to do that anyway, so this gives me a good excuse. :)

  8. Your printables look great!
    You can "save as", then choose save as pdf. Then upload to or some other hosting site. Then you can share away!

  9. Hi, I only just found out about the binders so haven't created one myself but decided to peruse around and see what everyone came up with and get some great ideas!

    Thanks for sharing your binder :)

  10. Hi
    I looove your lists!!! :) Can you tell me what software/program you used to create them?

    Greetings from Iceland

  11. Ha ha, Diana, don't laugh at me, I just make them in Pages, which is an Apple program (similar to Microsoft Word if you are a PC person!) I know, high tech, aren't I?? These lists are all available to download, if you are interested. And I think its really cool that you are from Iceland!! Thanks so much for commenting!

  12. Is there any way to get all of these forms?

  13. Anonymous, (I'd love to know your name!!) you can go to this blog post:
    to get most of them. If you don't see the ones you want there, email me: nickelnotes(at)gmail(dot)com. I'd be happy to send you more!


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