
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September Update

September 21, 2011

Dear Praying Family and Friends,

My time here in Florida is flying by, and it feels like November is right around the corner. Things are going well at the mission office. While many of you are getting settled in to fall weather, those of us in Florida still are living in the middle of summer! I can’t say that I mind, but it is easy to forget what month this is!

Here are some blessings I have received since my last update letter:

    I was able to travel to Maine to attend Stephanie’s high school graduation. From there, I drove with my family down to North Carolina to drop her off at college. It was a quick, whirlwind trip, but very worth it! I enjoyed seeing many family members and friends.

    A couple of weeks after I got back, we had a missionary family stay with us for about two weeks. They had been on furlough for four months, and were headed back to Chile, their place of service, for their second term. What a blessing it was to spend time with this family and see the joy they have for the Lord and his work. It is so nice to see first hand the ministries that we are a part of.

With just two months left, my time here is dwindling down, but that does not diminish my need for your prayers and support. They mean more than ever as I finish up the work that God has given me this summer. I am so grateful for each of you that has given financially to meet my needs. It is you that has made my time here possible! It is so encouraging to know that God has promised to supply my needs, and it is humbling to realize that he uses you, my family and friends, to do that. So let me just shout out a huge THANK YOU to all of you!

Coming up, my roommate and I will be holding the fort here at the office while our coworkers go represent the mission at Clearwater Christian College. Pray that the Lord will burden hearts for the ministry in South America! I am also continuing to learn more about the accounting procedures that are used in the office. I enjoy learning new things and am excited to see how God will use that in my future.

Thank you again for your prayers and support. I enjoy hearing from each of you!

Because He Lives,

Nicole Risinger

For contact information, email me at nickelnotes(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. I am so glad you got this opportunity down in sunny FL! Kenny and I are both prying for you.

  2. I'll be praying for you Nicole! BTW I like your new blog style=).


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