
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Carrie!!

Today is Carrie's 8th Birthday! Where has the time gone?? It seems like just yesterday that my cousin Leslie and I were sitting (ok, maybe doing a little pacing) in our living room in Maine, begging my mom to hold on long enough so that she (whom we were sure was a "he" at the time) would be born on Joe Gurney's birthday. Those were the days, I tell ya. (Oh, and by the way, she was born on Joe's birthday. Which has gotten her so far in this life. )

And now, here she is, a healthy 8 year old, soon-to-be big sister!! Here are some pictures from the last year. And a half. ish.

{ Last Christmas, with Rachel }

{ A year ago September, one of our last evenings in our house in North Carolina, with Drew }

{ Drama queen, much? }

{ Andrew and Holly's wedding, a year and a half ago }

{ Oh my stars, you guys have been married a year and a half??? }

{ She was the flower girl! And someone spent a little too much time around college students! }

{ With Candy. This was a few months ago. }

{ With her other brother Justin and sister Hannah! This was last summer. }

Happy Birthday Carrie!!!


  1. Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest little girls I have ever been privileged to know! Miss that crazy kid so much!


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