
Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thats right, it is Thanksgiving Canada! So to celebrate, I decided to list some things that I am thankful for this year...specifically things about my time here in Florida! Even if you aren't Canadian, I'd love for you to leave a comment telling me what YOU are thankful for this year.

  • A nice {free} house to live in while I am here
  • A like-minded church...not something I take lightly, or something that is necessarily easy to come by!
  • Friends that keep me "company" long-distance style. :)
  • The amazing ways the Lord has provided for me while I have been here. There have been times that I wondered, "Ok, Lord, what are you going to do?" Every time, He has kept His promises and has been unfailing. Obviously. Why do I expect anything different?
  • The support I have received from my home church in Nova Scotia. The kind thoughts and notes have been so encouraging!
  • The opportunity to have a "job" that I absolutely LOVE! I couldn't ask for anything better than working with missionaries every day. 
  • Coworkers that are like-minded. Yes, I consider all the missionaries to be coworkers, but I specifically mean the couple that I work with in the office. It is so nice to work in an environment that is focused on serving the Lord. 
  • The weather...yes, I think I can handle the tropics forever, thankyouverymuch.

There are a few things I am thankful for. How about you?

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