
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Some Florida Beauty

Here is some Florida eye candy for ya! I am always amazed by the many different flowers and plants down here that to me are be-youtiful! I guess it is just because they are different from what I grew up with. Maybe Floridians think pine trees are just as beautiful, I don't know.

Here is a flowering tree behind my house. I wish I could have taken a picture for you when the flowers were at their peak. These aren't blossoms, the tree has had these flowers on it the whole time I've been here.

I think this one looks {perfect}

Then we have this plant which is my absolute favorite. If you just look at it, it looks like a normal, pointy-leaf plant....

But then when you flip over the leaves, they are a beautiful deep purple color!!! (Here is another creepy-long-finger shot for ya...)

And a closer-up...

Isn't it gorgeous?? I just {heart} the deep purple color! God certainly knew what He was doing when He created such beauties.

Last but not least.... this really dark picture shows you the cool reflection I see through my bathroom window every night.

Trust me, its way cooler in person, but this picture gives you a little idea of what it looks like.

Now you have a peek at the things I see when I walk out of my house. Aren't I lucky? I like taking the time to enjoy nature. Now I just need to convince my neighbors I'm not as weird as I looked while taking these pictures.

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