
Monday, November 7, 2011

Girls Day Out

Saturday I had a great day out with some friends. Sort of a goodbye party, but we won't say the "g" word. Hate that word. It was a fun, fun day though. I already mentioned getting a mani/pedi...

I had never had a pedicure before, and can I just say, I'm in love. How relaxing! I felt like a princess.

Here is Angela waiting for her manicure. She had never had a manicure or a pedicure! Poor thing.

Brook getting her manicure. Because of the blurry picture, doesn't it look like they are arm wrestling? Tee hee!

I don't usually paint my nails at all, but this was a nice treat. Here are Angela's and my beautiful fingers and toes. 

Pictures can't show how relaxed and stress free we felt. :)

After the mani/pedis, we took Rylan to the park and had a picnic. It was another be-youtiful night, and we had a blast!

What a cutie!

This girl doesn't hold still for two seconds! I have about a zillion blurry pictures of her because she always moves and looks away at the last second. She was super cute, every few seconds she  would grab our arm and say, "cheese!" Apparently she thought we had to have our arms linked to take a picture. Too cute.

We walked down to the water and saw this boat being pulled in by a tugboat. This thing almost took up the whole canal!

What a nice, relaxing night to a nice relaxing day. I will miss these peeps when I leave! I am so thankful for the experiences I've been able to have while I've been down here.

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