
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hanging Out At JFK

Well hey there peeps! I'm posting a little later than normal because I've been enroute this morning. Yes, this blog post is coming at you from New York City!

My first flight was nice and uneventful. My bags are heavy. But not over the weight limit!

I posted last time how much I love Jet Blue and how much I love to fly in general. This time, I was able to score a picture of my blue chips. Yes, they say they are made from blue potatoes, and all that color is natural, but I have my doubts......if I die, you'll know why.

Here is a picture of Carol and I at the airport. She helped me get through the check-in with my heavy luggage! So thankful for her! Oh, and Grammie: now you'll know what I look like so you can pick me up at the airport. Just in case you forgot.

I'm sitting here thinking, how weird would it be if I posted this and then someone came up to me and was like, "I just read your blog post!" Yeah, creepy. So if you are in the JFK airport right now, please come say hi, just be forwarned that I will probably be weirded out.

Oh, and before I go, I thought I'd share with you my absolutely brilliant packing tip from this trip:

I put a strip of duct tape around the pump of these bottles so they wouldn't "pump" in my suitcase en route! Even though I put them in a plastic bag, no sense in wasting a bunch of product. It seemed like it was going to work well! (There Mrs. Lockhart, now you should be able to pin that picture! :)

Farewell until later, everyone! If you'd like to keep me company for the next hour (I board at 12:35, so you have until then) leave me a comment! I could use a little help in the boredom department. Meanwhile, I'm going to sit and try not to think about food.

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