
Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Ladies Meeting

I already showed you the decorating I did for our Ladies Christmas Party on Tuesday night. Here are some of the other details that I planned out for the night.

Our church has a ladies meeting on the first Tuesday of every month, which is slightly informal. Every lady brings some kind of snack to share, we have a short devotional, and discuss upcoming church events. The December meeting, however, is different. We meet downstairs in the fellowship hall and have a meal together, play some Christmas games, have a devotional, and sing Christmas songs. It is such a fun time! We knew that Mom would most likely have a newborn this December, so she asked me to plan it this year. I was happy to!

We started off by reading the Christmas story from Luke 2, and singing a Christmas hymn. Randomly throughout the night I read some snippets of information about different Christmas traditions: Christmas trees, ornaments, Plum pudding, Carols, Yule log, etc. So many of those traditions we just do without even knowing why or where it came from!

For a menu, I made a large chicken pot pie and a cheeseburger soup. I asked some ladies to bring side dishes and desserts, and there was plenty of food! Going with my red and white theme, I made a red punch as well.

We played a couple of Christmas games. This Christmas Word Scramble...

...which was a hoot, especially when I told them that "magi" was pronounced "maggie" and it was what Jesus would have been named if he had been a girl. I got some ladies for a few seconds! :) (If you would like a PDF copy of this Scramble, leave me a comment, I'd be glad to send you one!)

I also gave them a Christmas quiz with some tricky questions from the Bible about Jesus birth. You may or may not be seeing some of those questions in the near future. :)

We ended the night just sitting around and chatting. It was so nice to be able to sit and fellowship (and laugh!) with these ladies! I am so thankful I had the opportunity to do this for them.

What Christmas parties have you been attending (or hosting) this Christmas season?

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