
Monday, December 5, 2011

CHRISTmas Paper Chain

I noticed, in passing, an idea on a blog somewhere that I decided to try with my sisters. (Sorry, I don't remember where! :\ ) We made a regular paper chain, but on each strip of paper, we wrote a phrase that has to do with the Christmas story. It turned out so nice!

We have it hanging across our pictures for now, but it will go down to church to decorate there soon. Here are some close-ups: (of the paper chain, don't pay attention to the pictures!)

We put phrases from Christmas carols, names of Jesus, or just things about the story like "Glory to God in the Highest." I cut out all the strips (1" wide) from construction paper, Rachel thought of the phrases and penciled them on, and Carrie traced over them with red and green marker. Then we looped them together and taped them in a red, green, white pattern. We were so pleased with how it turned out!

This is just one small craft to help us focus on our Savior, the true meaning of Christmas. Have you been doing the same? We'd love to hear about it!

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