
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Book Review: The Encounter by Stephen Arterburn

The Encounter is a fictional story of grace, mercy, and forgiveness. It is not a lengthy book, but it is full of fabulous truths from God's word.

Jonathan Rush is a wealthy CEO with a surprising past. For years he has lived with bitterness toward the one person he should love the most. Bitterness and an unforgiving spirit are a downward spiral in his life, leaving him near death and at his wits end. It takes a trip to Alaska - and a surprising turn of events - to change his life and turn him around.

I enjoyed the simplicity of this book and also the captivating tale. I liked the way the author turned the story line in a way I wasn't expecting and caught me totally off guard. I believe it would have been appropriate and helpful if the author had made more direct references to the truths of God's Word, but the story line does teach general biblical principles.

This book also teaches the importance of seeking wise counsel and then acting on the counsel given. Although that is not always easy, as evidenced in Jonathan's life, it does yield fruit in one's life and can draw a person back to God.

I was given a copy of this book for review as part of the Booksneeze program. All opinions are completely and totally my own. It is a great book that I would wholeheartedly recommend to others. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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