
Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas At The Farm

If I've never crashed your browser before, this just may be the day. I apologize in advance.  I think I might crash my browser just trying to get this posted for you! But nevertheless, let the party begin.

Here are some pictures to let you all in on the festivities that are Christmas. We celebrated 3+ days with my moms side of the family, totaling 41, plus 2 "outsiders" that we let sneak in this year. And can I just say...I have the cutest cousins ever. With that many people, some of them felt the need to stake their claim!

I'd be scared too, wouldn't you?

How do we fit that many people? This is how!

For the first 5 nights I was there, I slept in a different spot every night! But that's ok, it adds to the fun!

We cram a lot of things into the time we have together. Food being the most important.

And we play a LOT of games. Over the years, we've built up quite the arsenal of group games!

{I ended up winning this one! }

We enjoyed some family football (while the ground was still frozen):

This year there was a lot of baby-holding! My mom and my cousin gave birth 4 days apart from each other. Judah and Cassie are the closest cousins in age now! Next year we will have 2 more new babies!

{Yup, they switched babies for this picture...did you notice?}

And of course, we fit in some haying. What? Your family doesn't make haying a part of Christmas??

Wherever (and whenever) we can fit it in, we catch some Zzzzzs:

Of course, there was some gift giving!

Heidi got engaged this year, and Erika did not want Crysten and I to feel left out. So she got us our own rings! (Bigger than theirs, I might add!)

We ended one day with some HILARIOUS minute-to-win-it games!

There is nothing like family to be able to spend such an important season with! I am so thankful for this time that we make a priority to spend together...some of my family I only see this one time a year! It was a fantastic week!

I still have the pictures from our day spent with my grandparents (my dad's parents) to share with you, once I (find the camera, then) download the pictures. Hope your Christmas was as special as mine!

1 comment:

  1. Guess what?! You didn't crash my browser ;)

    I thoroughly enjoyed all the photos- looks like a wonderful few days of celebration!


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