
Monday, January 30, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

The Lord has been blessing this week, as always! It is such a blessing to look back over the week at all the different ways the Lord blessed and encouraged. I reached a milestone in my 1,000 Gifts list this week...I reached 200! Woot! Have you been adding to your Gifts list? I'd love to take a look at it! Leave your url in the comments below!

197. One sewing project complete
198. One on one time with a sister
199. More sewing projects done
200. Sleeping in
201. Birthday of a sweet friend
202. Lunch out
203. {Beautiful} DIY Project *snicker*
204. Listening to the SMS men live
205. Fellowship with a missionary family

Despite *still* not feeling the greatest toward the beginning of the week, I was able to get most of my To-do list tackled this week. It is always so nice to see those boxes getting checked off!

As you can see, thank you cards are going to be my nemesis for this month. I will get them out! I've sent most of them, just have a few more to do. Its not that I'm not grateful, its just taking the time to sit down and write those things! That second bag is as good as done, so I hope to start a couple new sewing projects this week. I can't reveal them yet, though! Don't ask questions at Christmas, haha!

Here are my goals for this week:

This is going to be an exciting week! Friday I am taking my brother to a winter retreat at a camp about 4 hours away. I am going as a counselor, and I plan to have a blast! I trust all my campers are, too! Much to my brother's dismay, I'm going to hit up a big craft store on the way and get stocked up on some fabric. I can't wait!

Hope you all have a fantastic week, and that you are busy counting the blessings of the Lord! What things has he blessed you with in January?

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