
Thursday, January 26, 2012

My 2012 Book List

I've had a few requests to share my book list for this year on the blog! I already mentioned that I am challenging myself to read 2 books per month this year. My book list isn't quite that long...hmm, I guess that means I will *have* to pick up some more books along the way. :) I love to read and I am super anxious to get cracking on this list!

New Reads:

Overcoming Being Overcome by Debbie Lavender

Debbie Lavender is a Pastor's wife here in Nova Scotia that I had the privilege of hearing speak to a group of ladies. I can't wait to read her book!  

Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow
 I have been wanting to read this book, and lo and behold, it was sitting in my Dad's study this whole time! Here it is at CBD and here it is on Amazon.

Lessons in Buoyancy by Kathy Vick
 Not sure what this book will be like, but it is about the Proverbs 31 woman. 

Gift From The Hills by Lucy Morgan
 A true story about a unique school in the hills of North Carolina.

God's Joy In Your Heart by Charles Spurgeon
 This was a gift from a sweet friend. Love Spurgeon's writing!

The Bare Bones Bible Series by Jim George
Scored a couple of books in this series over the summer. I think it will be interesting to read and see some aspects of scripture in a new light!

Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Elliot
 I read this first for a class in college, now I read it every year!

When Life Is Hard by James McDonald
 My uncle sent me this book a couple years ago and I read it then, now I am looking forward to reading it with fresh eyes!

The Embrace of Grace by Caleb Thompson
 A life-changing book written by a man who is in prison for a crime he did not commit. I would love to get his brother's book as well! (Note: I believe the proceeds from these books go to support the families of these men, who are still in prison.)

Music in the Air by Mark Ward Sr.
 I love this book, and I don't believe it is in print anymore.

Jane Austen Treasury guessed it! :)

I would like to pick up some new, good fiction somewhere along the way, especially some by Brock and Bodie Thoene, but here are a few that I already have that I will be reading:

Lady Susan and Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
Heidi Grown Up by Charles Tritten

I'd love to hear what you are reading this year, and I'm always open for suggestions on good books to get!  Doesn't that list just make you excited? I just can't wait to read each one!

But that is not all, oh no, that is not all....

You didn't really think that I would make up a book list for the year without recording it on a fancy-schmancy printable in my planning binder, did you?

Yeah, me either.

Here is the sheet I created:

And if you leave me a comment, I'll send you your own copy free, as long as you request it by the end of January. Come February, I'll put it in my shop for all you late comers. Don't say I didn't ever make it easy for you to get organized! :)

What are you reading this year?


  1. Thanks for sharing your list! There are lots of good books up there that I might check out, and I am a HUGE Jane Austen fan :)

    1. The Jane Austen volume I got is from Barnes and Noble... it has 7 of her books, and it is SO BEAUTIFUL!

  2. I really appreciate this post. I've been looking all over for this! Thank goodness I found it on Bing. You've made my day! Thx again
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    1. You are very welcome! Hope you are able to pick up some of these books!


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