
Friday, January 6, 2012

New Years Reading

In the spirit of "its-the-new-year-lets-make-resolutions-and-organize-our-entire-house-and-start-a-diet-and-be-super-woman" I thought I'd share some links to some great posts from around bloggy land that might help you set some goals, prioritize, and lose weight! (Ok, maybe they won't help you lose weight...but check them out anyway!)

From Money Saving Mom.....
12 Habits for 2012 - such a fantastic idea, I just might have to try it!
My Goals for 2012

From Steady Mom....
Don't Wait for Perfection to Get Started
The Power of Eliminating Distractions

From Life....Your Way....
5 Organizing Myths Keeping You from Getting Organized

From I Heart Naptime...
What to Do with Christmas Cards (so cute!)

From Passionate Homemaking...
Stepping Forth in Faith in a New Year

I'm so thankful for the other bloggers out there that inspire me to do my best in 2012. What have you been reading/doing to inspire you this year?

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