
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Over the River and Through the Woods

Technically we went over the bay of Fundy and through the woods, but who's getting technical...we did go to Grandmothers house! We spent Christmas day with my Dad's parents, and had a blast, as always! My siblings and I created this gingerbread house:

Seriously, if gingerbread houses aren't in your list of traditions yet, they totally should be! We don't necessarily do one every year, but it is fun!

This was, "one, two, okaytakeyourfingeroff, THREE!" Little late, perhaps?

Somehow Justin missed this picture...and since Judah didn't help much, he didn't make it, either.

See the icicles? Pat me on the back...that was all me. Came out pretty good, don't you think?

I thought of it too late, but I totally should have done some "house crashing" on my Grammies Christmas decor. Because she does such a good job and has such cute stuff everywhere! Like this drawer she pulled out (under her TV) and filled with lights and bulbs...genius! So pretty! I'll be keeping the house-crashing idea in mind next year!

Her lovely tree....

She has waited years and years to have a staircase to decorate, and last year was the first year in their new home. So pretty!

And of couse, the newest grandchild just soaked it all in...

Such a cutie!

We did a whole lot more that day, like open presents and play games and EAT, but we didn't get many good pictures of that. You know what it looks like, anyway, when a family comes together and has a great time. We did just that!

Hope you all enjoyed family as much as we did!


  1. Ooh! I haven't done one of those in YEARS! And yours is so lovely (especially those icicles ;) ). I might have to start trying to make this a family tradition next year!

  2. Thanks! So glad you liked the icicles. :)


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