
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bedroom Art Update

I guess this is just the week for room updates, but since I showed you my "nightstand" reorganization the other day, I figured I better show you the other, um, "update" I made to the art on my wall. You remember where I extended my un-official "gallery wall" here:

Specifically, I added this little piece 'o' work that I whipped together with some foreign coins I didn't even remember I had. Gotta love free art, right? And it was just one of those things that is unique to me and made me happy when I looked at it.

Well, I had a little problem....

NOT exactly what I had planned on looking at! I'm ashamed to say that they've looked like this for quite a while now. A couple of them started to slip right from the beginning, and slowly those ones have pulled more down with them. And as fun as I thought it would be to play the, "what shape will the coins be in today I wonder" game, I decided instead that I better issue my own "Dude, get on that already" challenge and, well, get on it. :)

The first time I put the whole piece together, I had fastened the coins on with a double-sided sticky square that was designed for scrapbooking. I figured, if its safe for scrapbooking (acid free and all that) it will probably be okay on the coins, plus it was just an itty bitty square of sticky, so if I ever decided to take these down, it should come off pretty easy.

It would have been alright, except for most of the coins have a slightly raised edge, so the itty bitty square of sticky couldn't make good contact with the paper. This time, I decided to go with another scrapbooking tool: those double-sided foam sticky things that are normally used to give a 3-D affect. These would definitely not have a problem making contact with the paper, and they seemed sticky enough to hold good. With the added benefit of those coins being smushed up against the glass, I was pretty sure they would hold better.

I took advantage of the re-assembly to stick a different color paper under the coins (the tan one never thrilled me) so I stuck them all on my paper good and let it lay flat for about 24 hours. (Another thing I failed to do the first time)

Then, I got 'er back up on the wall!

So far, so good! They seem to be holding better this time. And that purple-ish paper is much better.

You can't see it, but way over on the other end of the wall I matted a postcard with paper similar in color but different in design with this new piece, so it was a happy mistake that the two tie together very nicely. Gotta love happy mistakes!

Anyone else doing some updates or re-decorating? Its the time of year for spring fever and re-decorating! Do you get the "itch" to clean or decorate? 

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