
Monday, March 5, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

I have been so blessed by “Knowing God,” the book I have been reading to prepare my heart and attitude for the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection! I have learned much and have been drawn closer to God in a special way. My wheels are turning with some things I want to study once the Lent weeks are over! That is the fantastic thing about studying the Bible - there will always be more and more to study and learn, and I love learning!

I am excited about those of you that are following me on Twitter and following along with quotes from this book and other quotes about God. I’d love to see some input from you and what you might be learning through this Lent season! I’ve enjoyed the conversations I’ve had with different ones already, so either follow me on Twitter or leave a comment here to participate with us!

I’ll be coming back later with a couple of special portions from the book (things that particularly stood out to me) but in the meantime, here are some of the other blessings I received this week:

238. Special chapel message and song
239. Day out with friends
240. Good turn out at church
241. Sweet baby smiles
242. Skype chat with a friend
243. Privilege to teach kids in Sunday School

I’ve been noticing that lately my list of goals for the week has been getting longer and longer! That is fine with me, even though it all doesn’t quite get done. I finished up some projects this week, and am excited to start some new ones!

Here are my goals from last week:

I have to get my DIY project completely finished, and soon! I was supposed to finish it in February, and, oh look, March snuck up and swallowed February. :) I will finish it up this week and show it to you. I know you are dying to see it, right? :) Here are the rest of my goals for this week:

You are probably asking, WHAT is a Doggy Tailor? Well, if it comes out alright, I’ll have to show you. :) Its a little project given to me by a lady in our church, and I think it will be fun. Also, I mentioned last week that I was going to memorize a verse to go along with my study of Knowing God. I chose Daniel 9:2, which brings out some attributes of God, and am excited this week to memorize Jeremiah 9:23-24.

I hope to have a few projects to show you this week, but in the meantime, what have you been working on lately? What blessings have you received? Did all you wonder-people get all your goals accomplished last week?

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