
Monday, March 26, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

Happy Monday, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I did, and I can't wait to tell you about it....

Yesterday marked the first day of a new ministry opportunity for me! A church 45 minutes down the road had asked last week if I would be willing to drive down each Sunday and be their pianist! They were without a pianist and we have 3...sooo, I said yes!

It is such a privilege to be doing the Lord's work, and I enjoyed being with this body of believers. I am so thankful for the way the Lord leads in these opportunities! I will be standing in as their pianist until they can find someone a little closer to do it. For now, I am happy to fill in!

This last week was filled with other blessings as well - the main one being super warm weather! Wish it would have lasted forever, but as I speak is snowing. :( Boo snow.

Here are the other blessings I added to my 1,000 gifts list:

258. Ministry Opportunity
259. Chatting with friends via Skype
260. Safety while burning the field
261. Unified church body
262. Grilling outdoors - in March!
263. Hard work
264. Bible conference messages
265. Day out shopping
266. Day spent serving & ministering

What  has the Lord done for you this week?

Because of the SUPER beautiful weather, I abandoned all plans for inside work and spent all week outdoors. I knew the summer-like weather wouldn't last, and that my sewing projects could wait until it got cold again! So, here is my totally abandoned goals from last week:

and my (very similar!) list for this coming week:

This week is promising to be a typical spring week weather-wise, so I should be able to get most if not all of those sewing projects completed!

What will you be working on this week? How is the weather where you live?

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