
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Quick Quotes: Plan Ahead!

Throwing something together at the last minute is insulting to the One who gave His best for us.  
Debbie Lavender

This quote came from the book, "Overcoming Being Overcome" by Debbie Lavender (I mentioned it here). I enjoyed it, and I think you will too!


  1. That was such a good book! Glad you're getting a chance to read it. We always need to be reminded of this fact, don't we? God is a God of order...

    1. Yes! That is something I have worked at the last year-ish, doing things with more purpose, to the glory of God!

  2. Good reminder! It can be so easy to just 'go through the motions', surviving from day to day- but God calls us to so much more. Thanks for sharing :)


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