
Monday, April 2, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

Before I start this post, I just have to know.

Did you get April Fooled? 

I'm happy to say I didn't. Well, my brother pulled one tiny little stunt but I really didn't get fooled. I considered calling my dad and telling him I'd broken down in Yarmouth or something (I am helping out in a church there, so I spend my Sunday's 45 minutes from home) but I didn't. Probably the best April Fools was the time my sister taped the handle of our kitchen sink sprayer open, so the next person to turn on the sink got drenched! :) Unfortunately, that person was my dad, who was wearing a suit. :( Oops. Such is the nature of April 1st!! :)

I'll go on with my normal Monday post now. I just had to get that out there! (Please, if you got fooled, tell me about it in the comments, will ya?)

My weekend was full of birthday parties and other fun! We finished burning our field, which went smoothly but was tiring.  To keep things under control (and because of how the wind was blowing) we used wet rags to beat the flame. It worked well, but my right arm muscles will never be the same, lol!

The week was full of other blessings, as shown by my 1,000 gifts list:

267. Laughter
268. Hearing one missionaries burden
269. Pretty scenery
270. Sweet emails from Proverbs 31 women
271. Watching Judah talk/cry himself to sleep
272. Safety while burning
273. A sweet friends birthday
274. Safety driving
275. Finding a paper I lost

I enjoy so much my friends here and the people I am privileged to come in contact with each week. Surely the Lord knows just the encouragement we need and brings those people into our lives!

Here were my goals from last week:

And here are the ones for this week!

I am looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of Christ this weekend, and even more so because my grandparents are coming for a visit! It will be a fun weekend! This week will finish up my study of God as I prepare for Easter in my own heart and life. It has been a truly rewarding study!

What are you planning on this week? Any special ways you are celebrating Easter? 

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