
Monday, April 16, 2012

Gifts And Goals for the Week

So I learned something new this week.

Maybe I just need to get out more, but I never knew until this week that pussy willows grow on trees.

Yeah, dense, aren’t I? I always envisioned them growing like cattails - or at the very least on a bush or something. Maybe this is why I never noticed them growing in the wild before...I wasn’t looking up for them!

So not only did I learn they grow on trees, I learned we have some in our backyard.

So to celebrate my newfound knowledge, I cut some to display on the top of my dresser.

They aren’t very “pussy-ish” because they were almost all gone by for the year, but I like them anyway. They make me smile.

Here are the blessings that I added to my 1,000 gifts list this week:

288. Singing the old hymns
289. Specific answers to prayer
290. Happy baby
291. Clothes for VBS {cheap}
292. Fabric I needed
293. Productive day
294. Making a hospital call

(In other “I’m pretty dense” news, I got all excited this week to reach the 300 mark with my gifts list. Then I realized my numbering went “290, 291, 300.” Clearly I could stand to go back to 1st grade.)

I am so pumped about all I crossed off my list of goals this week:

Here is what they look like for this week:

I’m excited about my Pinterest project (it’s coffee related, so who wouldn’t be?) I’m also doing a painting project with a friend, and need to make some phone calls concerning the garbage in our yard. As I mentioned, it is complicated to get rid of stuff around here with intense recycling requirements, so I need to make some phone calls to know specifically what to do with some stuff (like old sheet-rock, vinyl siding, shingles and a broken lawnmower and freezer, to name a few.)

How are your weekly goals coming along? I am excited about all I have accomplished this month so far, but scared that April is already halfway over! Yowzers!


  1. I like pussy willows, unfortunately they don't live around here. But that makes them all the more special when I do get to see them!!


    1. Hey, maybe that can be my excuse...maybe I've never had them in the other places I've lived. Sounds good, doesn't it? :)

    2. Sure!! :D



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