
Monday, April 23, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

I’m panicking.

April is almost over, and I haven’t gotten everything done.

How on earth did it go by so fast? One more week people. ONE MORE WEEK! In less than 3 weeks I have a wedding to play for, and I don’t feel ready. By the time I get home from that trip, May will practically be half over, and at the beginning of June I have another wedding to be at. A week and a half after that, I have a music conference to be at and right on its heels is another wedding. (Seriously! Whats with all the weddings, people?) Then June is over. July is VBS month. And in between all that, I’ll be gardening, getting ready for all the above activities, and still trying to squeeze in my normal, daily activities.

So all that is to say, I’m not ready. I don’t want April to be over yet because I don’t feel ready for all of that to start. My summer is going to be OVER before I even knew it began, and I don’t want that to happen. I love summer. I want to enjoy every minute of it. I want it to last a long time!

I really don’t know where I’m going with all of this. I guess just to light a fire under my…. myself and be intentional about not only getting things done, but also taking time to stop and smell the lilacs. Which I hopefully won’t miss out on this year, cause they are my favorite, and last year I was in Florida when the bloomed here. But I digress.

Here are the blessings I received this week and added to my 1,000 Gifts list:

295. Getting my paint on
296. Heat! Like, from the sun!
297. Finding my flash drive (been looking for months, only to find it in the pocket of a coat I haven’t worn since fall.)
298. Getting 2 projects done
299. The salvation of a young cousin
300. Pet show
301. Visitors at church
302. New friends

(And yes, I did hit the 300 mark this week for real this time. Wa-hoo!)

Here is my failure of a list of goals from last week:

Ok, so I didn’t fail completely, I guess it just felt like it. I worked on the bag I need to sew, but didn’t finish it. I didn’t even touch my purged items yet. And I didn’t find out much about the recycling and garbage that I needed to, but I did do some research, so I went ahead and checked it off to make me feel better. Forgive me.

Here is my list for this week:

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...I know I can get a lot done this week! Thanks for cheering me on!

Anyone else completely shocked that it is already the end of April? Do you have a busy summer ahead? Tell me about it! (No in the comments section.)


  1. Weddings :) Are you playing for all of them?! Have fun! At least hopefully you can 'recycle' some of the music!

    What do you use for wedding music- any favorite books?

    1. I actually am only playing for one of them this summer, but this will be my third time playing for a wedding. I love it! I actually don't have any wedding books, so far the people I've played for have all been close friends and they have picked all the music. The one in May are mostly hymns that I am "dressing up" for her. :) Should be fun!

  2. Busy??? What's busy??? LOL! Whenever someone calls the house I always hear my children say "Oh she can talk, she's not busy" and I confess I laugh every time:-) It's always interesting to get a take on what the kids perceive as "busy"!

    I have a garden to finish putting herbs in, household projects to complete so we can put it on the market, two yard sales to organize for and get over with:-), traveling in May for a family trip, finishing school and then begin planning right away for the next school year to start in July, weekly Farmers Markets trips, putting up food, food, and more food (this takes up pretty much my entire summer between school ending and beginning:-) Yep, busy summer is almost here!

    1. Haha, I have to confess I've said the same thing about my mom. =) I had to laugh at myself, because once I posted this and read back over it I realized my list of summer stuff doesn't sound like much...but I know all the behind the scenes stuff I have to do to get ready for all of those events, besides the travel, etc....It seems like things won't be "normal" again until August!

      It will all be fun, though. Summer is great! =)


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