
Monday, May 21, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

This last week was a busy, but nice week at home. I just stayed home most of the week, trying to get some things done. It was a nice break, especially after being gone the week before and again this week!

Here are the blessings I received during the week, which were added to my 1,000 gifts list:

318. Baby birds chirping
319. Peaceful rain
320. Unexpected gifts
321. Clean, organized room
322. Getting rid of lots of junk
323. Church family working together
324. Lots of sunshine
325. Wisdom in reactions

Here are my goals from last week:

I am so glad to have those phone calls made and get some of that junk out of here! I may have to call again if I come across other things I don't know what to do with, but for now it is a huge load off my mind to have that part done. Laugh if you want, but I just hate talking on the phone, especially to people I don't know!

I also ended up not having to contact Blogger about my post scheduling problem. After a couple weeks of not working, it fixed itself. I usually give Blogger a chance before I call and complain, because maybe it is something they are already working on? So far, that has always worked, and the problem has solved itself without my having to report it. I like that method helps me maintain my dignity. :)

I'll be gone half of this week to help out at a Christian camp, so my goals are sparse for this week:

We're also excited to have a guy coming from North Carolina to intern with us for a few weeks! He should be arriving in about an hour, and bringing my brother with him. (Justin has been in Maine the last week!) We're looking forward to them getting here!

So there is my week laid out for ya! What projects will you be working on this week?

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