
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gifts from this Week (Sans Goals!)

I'm taking a week off from my normal goal-setting, due to the fact that I'm visiting family and friends in Maine! I am playing the piano for a wedding on Friday, and for the rest of the week I'll be logging as many hours as I can with family. It is so nice to come back to the place that I grew up and see people I don't get to see often!

Here are my blessings from last week that I added to my 1,000 Gifts list:

312. Another year to serve
313. Getting my hairs cut
314. Hearing a friend's answered prayers
315. Nice visit
316. Rain for our dry ground
317. Listening to many different birds out my open window
318. Yummy lunch out

I trust that you all will have a profitable and blessed week! What things will you be working on this week?


  1. I have a little girl client at the barber shop that says she wants her "Hair Bangs cut" when she's ready to get her "hairs" cut!


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