
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Maritime Games and Fine Arts Festival

Last week, I had the privilege to help out with and event at camp called Maritime Games and Fine Arts Festival. (you can see a previous camp post here) It was my first time at an event such as this, and I had a blast!

Here are a lot of pictures, and a quick rundown of the 4 days we spent there.

My sister, brother, the intern Ryan and I went down on Wednesday. We spent all day that day and most of the next cleaning and getting the property ready for camp!

Some things never change!

We were fending for ourselves those first two days, making our own meals and eating out on the porch, enjoying some nice weather! I am making my "I'm mad at Ryan" face here, because he had taken a drink from my cup and not told me until I'd downed the rest of my pop! Bad, bad boy!

For the record...Ryan cooked the burgers! :)
The boys got to do what boys do best...

And that first night we got to relax a little. Haha, who are we kidding? First we played basketball!

This feller was waiting for me when I got back to my cabin! Isn't he gorgeous??

The next day, I cleaned all of the girls and boys cabins. This was my expression when I walked into Justin and Ryan's cabin....

Seriously, how can boys make a place smell that bad in just one night??? :)

Soon, it was time for campers to arrive!! Yippety-skippety!

The Fine Arts Festival consisted of lost of instrumental and vocal numbers, which were such a treat to listen to! I also got to be an adjudicator for the event, and loved it! I had so much fun!

There was also a spelling bee and Bible quizzing.

Here is Justin doing a scripture reading.

Some of these teens clearly have been working very hard to get ready for this event, and their diligence paid off! Way to go, everyone!

The Maritime Games activities included lots of different things:


Justin throwing a javelin.

He held third place for a while, until the last participant knocked him out.

Here's Ryan demonstrating the discus (even though he'd never done it before!)

Justin won third place for this softball throw!

His long jump was a winning one, except for his toe crossed the line. :( Boo!
There was also some powerful preaching by Evangelist Ron DeGarde. Many, many teens made decisions during the 4 messages!

In the end, Justin won awards for his softball throw, hymnplaying, and first place in ping pong! Way to go!

It was a great week, with fun times had by all. I was excited to be able to visit with two blogging friends (who are also real-life friends!) and chat some. It is always nice to have face-to-face contact with friends!

I was also encouraged by the spiritual sensitivity displayed by the 7 girls in my cabin. After a short devotional time the first night, (during which I gave my testimony) I was peppered with questions:

"I'm considering going to Ambassador...what made you pick that school above the others out there?"

"Do you have to go to college to be a pastor's wife?"

"How do you recommend we go about witnessing to people?"

It was a great time to just answer their ministry-related questions and see their heart for serving the Lord! While I certainly don't claim to have all the answers, I pray that I was able to be a help to them and steer their young minds down the path of the godly. It is truly a joy to work with young people!


  1. Sounds like you had a very blessed time! I'm thankful that the Lord has placed you and your family in Nova Scotia. ~ Leslie


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