
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Cross That Off my Bucket List!

From Pikes Peak, Colorado
I guess we all have “I want to do {such and such} someday” moments, but how often do we really make those things a reality? Here is a list of things I *always* wanted to do, and actually had the opportunity to do them! (I have to laugh at myself for saying “always”...makes me sound old, haha!)

10. Go out West - went all the way to California and back during the summer of 2007

9. Ride in a hot air baloon - I got to go up and come back down...not a real ride, but it was still thrilling!

8. Go to South America - went for 3 weeks in 2006

7. Ride in an airplane - first time was in 2006, but I’ve done it many times since and love it!

6. Have my own blog - duh

5. Have my own room - finally got this when we moved to Canada! And I still love it!

4. Take a trail ride on a horse - been on a few small-barely-a-real-trail ones, but went on “real” trail rides in 2006 and 2009

3. Go to summer camp - I never got to really go as a camper, but I worked for two summers as a counselor and now help out with retreats often.

2. Go to Disney - went as a family in 2004. {funny story: all growing up, I would beg my parents to take me to Disney, and they would always say, “we’re waiting until your siblings are old enough to enjoy it, too.” Good thing we finally up and went, or I’d still be waiting a while!}

1. Live by the ocean - where we live now we can see the ocean!

What things have  you "always" wanted to do, and have actually done?


  1. Go to Australia (missions internship)
    Go to Israel--greatest trip I have ever taken or will ever take!!
    Have a house full of kids (my own; and we've got a good start:)

    I'd still like to:
    Go to Disney and Ireland (Luke has done both, but that doesn't count!)
    Visit Rome
    Go back in time and live in an Old West town (I don't count on that one coming true for me:)

    I guess that's it! Either I'm perfectly content right now, or I'm not very adventurous (aka "chicken")!

    1. I'm thinking the "go back in time" thing won't work too well for ya..sorry! :) I'm jealous that you got to go to Israel! Thats still on my bucket list!


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