
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

I am finally getting around to posting my goals for this week, after being gone to camp all day Monday and busy yesterday! Betty late than never, right?

First, here is what happens when I'm sewing a thread gets caught and I don't know it:

Yes, that is my sewing needle, broken in three pieces. I was just sewing along, when all of a sudden small metal things were flying everywhere! Slightly dangerous! Kinda makes for a cool picture, though. :)

Here are the blessings from last week that I recorded on my 1,000 gifts list:

334. Laughing with friends
335. The Lamp of God’s Word
336. The Lord as Comforter
337. Fun and games
338. Meeting new people
339. Cookout
340. Lazy day
341. Sweet Christian fellowship

My goals from last week:

And the ones for this week: (which I have been working on, even though I hadn't posted them yet!)

What have you been working on so far this week?

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