
Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm Stuck!

Hello, all my lovely blog readers, how have you been? I had every intention of blogging last know, being that super-put-together-blogger that has her posts set to go 2 months in advance - but it just didn't happen. Visiting with family and friends was more important to me that getting blog posts up! So I took a nice week off from blogging and all things internet, and am excited to get back to it this week!

Here is a few pictures from the week:
The "staff" quartet at the music conference.

Two of my childhood friends got married on Saturday, and I got to be there!

Friends that haven't seen each other in AGES!!!

If everything had gone according to schedule, I would be headed back to Nova Scotia today...but I'm not! The ferry I need to take to get back home is dry docked for repairs, so I'm "stuck" in the good 'ol state of Maine for a few more days! I don't really mind...who minds more vacation??? :)

So, I'm not setting goals for this week...I'm not sure what all will go on before the week is over! Here are my goals from last week...not too bad for being gone, eh?

I have some fun things planned for you folks this week, so come on back! In the mean time, what will you be working on this week? Have you ever been "stuck" somewhere before?

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