
Monday, July 16, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week (plus exciting news!)

It has been an exciting weekend around here! Let me tell you a little bit about it…

Many of you know that I have been playing the piano for a small church 45 minutes away from my house. I’ve been so privileged to become a part of this church family, and truly enjoy each week there!

Over that past few weeks, the people have been renovating a new building for the church to move into. Another small church just 5 minutes away shut their doors last fall, and gave their building to Lighthouse Baptist. They stepped out in faith and set this last weekend as their kick-off services, meeting in the new-to-them building for the first time.

It took a lot of work on the part of the pastor and the men of the church to get it ready in time. But they did it. The auditorium looked fantastic! A special speaker came, Dr. Leroy Pennell, and we were able to meet in the new building Friday and Saturday night for special services, and for two services on Sunday.

Those were fantastic services! Several visitors came from the community, as well as some from area churches. Last night, our great weekend got even better when one man accepted Christ at the close of the service! Praise the Lord!

I am so excited to see what the Lord is going to do through Lighthouse Baptist Church over the next weeks, months and years. This church truly is becoming a Lighthouse in that community. Won’t you help us by lifting us up in prayer? We’ll need those prayers as the people adjust to a new building, and as we all work to see the church grow.

During my college years, I traveled in singing groups and was often in small, new churches. Those are some of the most exciting services to be in! It was always encouraging to see people getting saved and great things taking place, but then I always had to leave, and could only be there for one service. Now I get to be part of this church on a weekly basis! I am truly thankful for this opportunity!

So that was my exciting weekend. Here are the blessings I recorded on my 1,000 Gifts list for the entire week:

357. Clear Blue sky
358. Working on VBS at the beach
359. Unexpected provision
360. Fun night playing basketball
361. Safety
362. Zillions of peas!!! (Literally!)
363. Breeze to keep the bugs away
364. New church building
365. Special church services
366. Sleepover
367. A new name written down in glory!!

The weeks are flying by, but here are the things I managed to cross off my goals list:

And for this week:

Anyone else have a huge blessing or answer to prayer this week? What are you hoping to accomplish over the next few days?


  1. Who is pastoring Lighthouse Baptist now? I was talking to a friend of mine who goes to Pastor Pennell's church and she mentioned that he was here this weekend. But she didn't know what church he was at. Thought it was Victory Baptist, but I guess it was Lighthouse. =)

    1. Their names are Jared and Tiffanie Kuiper. They came here in January from BC. Last summer they took a survey trip over here and visited a lot of churches in the province, so they may have come your way? Not too sure...anyway, thats who they are! :)


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