
Monday, July 23, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

Happy Monday, friends! Did you have a fantastic weekend? I surely did. I ended up leaving at 6 am. Saturday to pick up my siblings and my brothers friend from camp, and then of course ministered in my church on Sunday. The first group of our VBS crew from North Carolina arrived yesterday as well! Happy day!

The drive to camp was a little long and boring all by myself, but I found ways to amuse myself. Singing at the top of my lungs? Check. Drinking way too much coffee? Check. Watching lots of deer frolic along the way? Check again. (That frolic reference was for you, Shannon!) Then the 3 teens I had with me kept up a steady chatter of funny camp stories all the way home, so all in all it was a great trip!

Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 Gifts list this week:

368. Smell of fresh rain
369. My family
370. Sitting outside with Judah
371. A simple week
372. Peaceful road trip
373. Seeing lots of deer.

Here are the goals I set for last week:

For this week and next, I will not be setting formal goals. I will just be working on VBS, finishing up some sewing projects, and spending time with my NC friends every second of every day! I can not believe that VBS is next week. Yikes! Here are some of the specific things I have yet to do:

Make my sock puppet for the week
Decorate my room (how fun!)
Type out my lessons a little more detailed (something better than the hen scratches I have going on right now!)
Get some craft stuff together
Make some "instruments"

Well, that is the fun stuff going on around here! What is everyone else up to this week? Anyone else have VBS coming up?

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