
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It rained...and our garden is taking over!

Our garden was doing really well. Then it rained.

And now its doing really, really well!

In the last update I gave you all, I whipped up this lovely piece of art so you could visualize where everything is planted:

I tried to take more shots from that POV for ya, so hopefully everything makes more sense!

Here are the rows of beans and carrots on the left:

The beans are blossoming! So excited for them to be ready, I love string beans fresh from the garden!

Here is the row of turnip. I had no idea their leaves would be so big and beautiful! (Butting right up to the broccoli, which I'll show you in a moment.)

We'll soon be eating turnip and broccoli. Here are just a couple of the heads that are about ready:

We had a little bit of broccoli the other night, and boy was it tasty! Nothing compares to fresh produce!

The girls enjoy growing large sunflowers, just for the fun of it and to feed the birds. Here is our biggest one so far...

These are planted on the front edge of the garden to the left, by the beans.

Speaking of beans, here is a pretty shot:

Someone gave my sisters a few ornamental bean seeds, but they forgot what they were. They just planted them in with the rest of the beans! This week they blossomed, and they have such pretty orange flowers!

The peas are starting to go by, but boy have we had a plentiful crop! Here is a picture I shared on my Facebook page last week:

We picked at least this many peas three times last week! Talk about a lot of peas! This same day we also picked these:

We enjoy eating the beets and the greens, so all these beets lasted us quite a while!

Our vine plants (cukes, pumpkins, and squash) are growing as fast as the vines we saw in North Carolina!

And our corn is getting up there, too.

Hopefully things continue to grow so well! We had enough rain to last a little while, and now the sun is shining again, so things should perk up even more. Can't wait until we can be sampling all the rest of this produce!

How are gardens in your area? Are you eating things like beans or cukes yet? Anyone else watching the vines grow before your eyes?


  1. My friend's broccoli is being eaten =( But we have lots of tomatoes and peas and she said she's gotten a ton of lettuce. I haven't been able to get over to help a lot this year. I love gardening. Yours is looking great.

    1. Our tomato plants got a touch of frost when we first put them out, so they are a little behind. We had turnip today for the first time, and it was so good!


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