
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Pins to Try

I completely missed posting a Top Ten Tuesday the last 2 week I was gone, but I'm back on track today! Here is a pictoral list of pins I {heart} and want to try! What pins are you eyeing these days?

10.Sprucing up my sewing corner:

9.Taming doll hair that has been ruined:

8.Planting a pineapple! Who knew??

7.Organizing the drinking glasses we use every day:

6.Homemade sushi. ohtheheavenness

5.Cheesecake in strawberries!

4.An easy way to find the end of a tape roll:

Source: via Nicole on Pinterest

3.Storing cards in a soap box:

2. Nutella coffee milkshake:

1. Thread organization:


  1. Okay - I'm so onto most of those pins with you! LOVE that sewing corner organization. Oh for a real desk and bench to sew on...and the serger would be an awesome add-on, lol. Do you have one? If growing the pineapple works let me know. Hazen thinks I'm crazy for wanting to try it, hehehe.

    1. Yes, I do have a serger! It is seriously the best thing ever, even though I feel like I've barely tapped into its capabilities! I'm planning some updates to my sewing corner soon..we'll see how it goes!


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