
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Things to Learn

For TTT today, I made a list of things I would like to learn to do someday. I don’t know how many of these I’ll actually be able to accomplish in my lifetime, but we’ll see! It would be fun to be such a well-rounded individual, wouldn’t it? :) Do you know how to do any of these things? What things would you like to learn to do?

10. Drive a stick shift vehicle

9. Skydive

8. Knit

7. Quilt

6. Shoot

5. Drive a tractor

4. Snorkel

3. Speak another language

2. Change a tire

1. Make homemade bread

Last week's TTT: Pins to try


  1. Well, I just got my first car!! It is silver!! It is a Saturn Vue!! And it is a 5-speed stick shift! (That was one of the things that I was hoping for!) (Yes, I am a little bit excited. :)
    My dad made all of us kids learn how to drive on a stick. And I find driving a stick is WAY more fun than driving an automatic!

    I would love to go skydiving! And to learn how to knit, and quilt.

    Shooting is a ton of fun!! You should try it!
    My dad just got a small tractor, and I drive it every chance that I get.

    Snorkel? I think I would like to learn how to swim before I consider snorkeling. :)

    In some ways it would be cool to know another
    language, but it is not high on my list.

    Changing a tire is not "hard", and it is a very useful thing to know.

    Making bread is a lot of fun, I haven't made any in a few years though. I have made several different types of sourdough bread, it is a lot of fun!!


  2. oops! Sorry for the triple comment!



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