
Thursday, July 26, 2012

VBS Posters, Decor and More!

I'm working away at VBS stuff this week...I think I'm almost ready! Just thought I'd pop in and show you some of what I've been up to in the last weeks.

Besides working on the lessons, I've been making different posters and things to use throughout the week. I've tried to design them so they can be used other times, not just this once. Here is what I have come up with:

Our class rules. Pretty self explanatory! We'll go over these towards the beginning of each night. A friend taught me these simple 3-step rules and I love using them for small kids! So easy for them to remember, yet covers all the bases.

I also made one song poster. I didn't make one for each song we'll sing, because 4 and 5 year olds don't do much reading, so its kind of pointless. Most of the songs we're singing are familiar ones, but this one is less familiar, plus I could use some pictures, not just words! I'm calling it my Wal-Mart song. (Unintentional, I assure you!)

The joy of the Lord is my strength!

And the second verse:

He fills my soul with laughter Ha ha ha ha ha!
I also made an attendance chart. The ladies at the attendance table will be keeping these stats too as actual VBS records, but I wanted something for in our classroom that they could put stickers on themselves and track their progress! They also will get prizes for these things within our own class.

Here is a close-up of the requirements to get a sticker on the chart:

They also get a piece of candy for each thing they do. Here is the poster that details that:

On these two posters I used the camo duct tape I picked up on this trip to make a border that matches our theme. It was so easy and came out super nice! I have some more plans for that duct tape, so I'm sure you will see it again!

And here is the treasure sack they get to dip into each night...

Sometimes I wish I was a kid again!

I also made a game to play when we ask review questions. I cut out all these circles...

And gave them each different point values.

When a child answers a questions correctly, they get to come up and draw points out of the bag. They can accumulate as many points as they want, but if they pull out a "croak"....

They lose all the points they gained that round! So they can also stop pulling out points whenever they get to scared to continue. :) It is a fun game that a friend of mine taught me years ago.

I had all of these laminated, as well as the posters, to insure a long life! Better for little fingers to handle, and it keeps my graphics from coming unglued. :)

Here is another thing I added to my room...this neat plane!

I just picked it up for $2 at our local dollar store, and it is surprisingly sturdy for a cardboard plane! My siblings can't wait to try flying it....after VBS is over!

You might notice the streamers in those pictures...I've been busy decorating the room, which I will show you when it is all done! Still have some details to add!

I would like to give a shout-out to Party Things, a Canadian company that I ordered all my balloons and streamers from. I was super impressed with their prices and their service! Everything came packaged neatly in tissue paper...

And along with the invoice they sent a handful of business cards. Such a nice touch!

They shipped my order the day after I sent it in, and while shipping was a little expensive, I just have to get used to the fact that I live in Canada, where shipping is outrageous! I was very happy with their service and would encourage you other Canada-dwellers to check them out next time you need any party supplies.

So that is a little peek at what I've been up to! Next up is to finish my puppet, Squeaky (and of course give you all the details) and finish painting the wall of Jericho....

Any other suggestions for me?? What am I forgetting? Don't you wish you were a kid in my class? :)


  1. So exciting!!! Can not wait to see how the Lord works during this next week! ~Krysta E.

    1. Thanks, Krysta! Wish it would have worked out for you to come, but I know you will be just as useful as you pray from there!


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