
Monday, August 20, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

Things are moving around here...and I mean literally:

This little feller (who turns 9 months old tomorrow!!!!) has figured out how to go backwards. His shirt says "Here comes trouble." Isn't that the truth! :)

And because we were talking about cabbage (???) here is the one lone plant that came up in our garden:

I held my shoe up to it for reference...if its as big as my foot, that baby is HUGE! :) It was the biggest head of cabbage I've ever seen. It did have a lot of bad or rotten spots in it when we picked it, but there was lots of good parts, too...probably enough for us to have a couple meals out of it!

And now, on to my 1,000 gifts list from the past week....which is really what this post is about. Partly. Its not really about cabbages.

387. Pretty fog
388. New ideas
389. Hummingbirds outside my window
390. Visit from friends
391. Car seat we needed
392. Bulk Etsy order
393. Baptism in the ocean

My goals from last week:

Complete Pinterest project - done! Deets coming soon!

Make 2 bags - finished one

Read 10 chapters of “Music in the Air” - read 6

Read 2 chapters of “When Life is Hard” - read 1

List 4 items on Kijiji - listed 2

Mending - done

Write one letter to a friend - did this

Walk 3x - walked 4 times!

I have a bulk Etsy order to complete in the next couple of weeks, so most of my time will be devoted to that. I did list out a few regular goals for this week, but anything else is being put on hold for now!

Read 6 chapters of “Music in the Air”

Read 1 chapter of “When Life is Hard”

Make 7 bags

Walk 4x

List 2 items on Kijiji

Write one letter to a friend

Anyone else find yourself busy as summer winds down? Anyone want to come over for cabbage? :)

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