
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Book Sale! (and potential Christmas gifts!)

It is no secret that I love books. So when I see a book sale, naturally, I get a little bit excited! when it is combined with one of my favorite blogs, well, things just might go a little bit overboard. :)

For years I've been a follower of Heavenly Homemakers and enjoyed learning more about cooking, eating, and living a whole foods diet. In fact, this blog was probably where I first learned the concept! Laura has lots and lots of recipes on her blog. Here are a few that I have tried and LOVE! (no exaggeration!)

Poptarts (I will never go back to the gross store-bought ones!
Homemade pizza sauce and these pizza pockets
Ranch dressing
Alfredo sauce

There are tons and tons of other recipes I want to try someday! All these recipes use natural, real ingredients and are so much better for you than what is in the pre-made stuff at the store. But I digress. This post was about books. :)

Besides all these tons of recipes on her blog, Laura has also written several eBooks full of other great recipes. These eBooks have titles like,

What to do with the Vanilla in your Kitchen
What to do with the Chicken in your Kitchen
Have your Cookie and eat it too!
Totally Tortillas

...and many more!

The great news is that right now you can get 10 of these eBooks for only $20.  That is savings of at least 50%!

Last year, I purchased some of Laura's eBooks during a similar sale and gave them as gifts at Christmas. How do you give an eBook as a gift, you ask? I just printed off the cover of each book, slid it in a manilla folder so it wouldn't get damaged, and wrapped it and put it under the tree! When the recipient opened it, I explained that it was an eBook and then emailed the file to her. It was a great gift, something unexpected, but very appreciated!

So, books + sale + Christmasiscoming = the time to purchase! I hope you will head over to Heavenly Homemakers and shop! The sale ends Thursday night, so hurry!

***Note: this post contains affiliate links

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