
Monday, September 10, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

We got some much needed rain at our house this weekend! While I don’t particularly enjoy rainy days, it is helping a lot of people’s wells! I joked yesterday that I was going to swim my way home from church, lol!

Last week was a challenging week for me in a couple of areas, and I’m so thankful that the Lord knows that! He always gives me just what I need in a discouraging time - a word of encouragement, a blog post that detailed exactly what I was feeling, or a friend that took me away for a night! A friend of mine said once, “God is not all you need until He is all you have” and that has proven many times to be so true! He truly is all I need, and He proves that to me faithfully!

Here are the blessings that I added to my 1,000 gifts list:

405. Missionaries to Nova Scotia
406. “Vacation”
407. Island living
408. Bulk order done and in the mail!
409. Pictures of a friends wedding
410. The Lord my Rock
411. A spiritually encouraging friend

Despite being away a couple of days last week, I did get a few things accomplished:

Finish 2 books

Send 13 bags - felt so good to get that project done earlier than I anticipated!

Walk 3 times - only did this twice. We were gone the first days of the week and it rained most of the rest!

Work on church curtains - started these, but we’re still deciding what we want for sure!

List 1 item - didn’t do this

Write one email - or this

Start Nova Scotia tartan bags 

Here are my goals for this week:

What are you working on this week? Anyone else have a particular encouragement last week?

 Click here to enter the current giveaway!!!

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