
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Goals for this last half-a-week!

Hello friends! I enjoyed being away on a little mini-vacation the last two days to the other side of Nova Scotia. It was great to see an area we'd never been to, and enjoy some fellowship with another pastor's family before all the kiddos started school today! I'll be sure to show you some of the sights we took in, but for now I wanted to chime in with my goals update for this week.

Despite being gone, I did set some goals for the remainder of this week! I am super excited about what got done last week, too!

As of today, that large Etsy order I had is COMPLETE! So excited to tackle some new projects now! I put the finishing touches on 13 bags today and am getting them ready for the mailman! There is such a great sense of accomplishment in getting a large project done! I love it!

Here are my goals for the rest of this week:

What are you folks working on this week? Any last minute getaways? Any major projects completed?

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