
Friday, September 21, 2012

Last Day for Giveaway!

Just a heads up: today is the last day to enter the giveaway for a $15 credit plus free shipping to Mae's Joyful Noise. Winner will be drawn sometime tomorrow and announced here and on our Facebook page.
Little girl dress

On the risk of sounding like a broken record, here are the deets one more time:

Prize: A $15 credit to Mae's Joyful Noise plus free shipping on your order. That is enough credit to score at least one free item!

Giveaway ends:  Tonight. Winner will be chosen via and announced here on the blog and on our facebook page.

Who can enter: Anyone, worldwide! Yippee!
    **Note: some have asked if you have to have a facebook account, blogger account, etc. to enter. The short answer is: no. ANYONE can enter!

To enter (mandatory): Leave a comment on the original post (where you can oogle over more pictures) or on this post, or contact me via Facebook, email...pretty much anything! Just let me know you want to enter the giveaway, and I'll make sure you are included.

For additional entries (optional):
Like Mae's Joyful noise on FB and leave a separate comment here stating that you did.
Favorite Mae's Joyful noise on Etsy and leave a separate comment here stating that you did.
Follow Amanda's blog, Quiet Workings, and leave a separate comment here stating that you did.
Share via any social networking site and leave a separate comment here stating that you did

Monster slippers!

Good luck! =)

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